Why Businesses Should Consider Building Android Apps

Android apps are software applications that run on the Android platform. Android apps are developed using the Java programming language and core libraries and developed to run on the Dalvik virtual machine that is optimized for mobile devices. Android apps are released and distributed through the official Google Play Store. This store is available for both free and premium apps.

The Android platform gives developers an extensive set of tools, documentation, and resources to create and test their apps. It also supports multi-tasking, which enables users to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and switch between them seamlessly. Furthermore, Android apps offer extensive options for graphics which include 3D and 2D graphics. It is therefore simple to develop and publish visually appealing applications on the platform.

Unlike iOS, which is closed ecosystem that limits how apps can be used and developed, Android offers developers more flexibility in the way they design and create their apps. This lets developers design and build a variety of applications that vary in their functionality and appearance. The fact that Android apps can be installed on a wider variety of device types and OS versions allows developers to connect with more people through their apps.

In addition, the cost of developing an app for Android is much lower than iOS. For instance, signing up as an Apple developer costs $99 a year, while starting with Android only costs $25. This makes it much easier for businesses to get their apps off the ground and start earning revenue quickly.


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